If your Validity Period is 60 months, your visa will be valid for 60 months from the date it is issued. [Accessed 20 Mar. In 2019, the US State Department designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization, an unprecedented action against the military of a foreign state. Image: Iranian army military personnel hold Iran flags while attending a funeral for the Iran-Iraq war (1980-88) unknown martyrs in downtown Tehran on January 6, 2022. The IHRDC states this exemption is for "a man who is the only male in the family and his father is over 65 years old" (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2014). number of entries, and validity period for visas issued to applicants from this country*/area of authority. Sina Azodi and Mohsen Solhdoost. The second is a one-page document issued by the Department of National Registration and Statistics stating that the couple appeared before one of its officials and provided an oath stating that they are a married couple. IranSource Iran's 1986 population of approximately 48.2 million (including approximately 2.6 million refugees) gave the armed forces a large pool from which to fill its manpower needs, despite the existence of rival irregular forces. Depending on their field, those with higher education can end up with higher-status duties. At that time every male person who had reached 21 years old must serve in the military for 2 years. December 2010. 21 December 2014. Embassy in the Hague. Refworld | Iran: 1) Are all Iranian males registered with the military If you are exempt from the service please provide a copy and certified English translation of your military service exemption card. Procedure for Obtaining:Apply at local registration office. 28 March 2014b. "Iran." Sources report on cases of sexual minorities being exempted from military service based on Article 33 of the army's medical exemption regulations (IHRDC 19 June 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 24). According to the latest Majlis ratification, military service for conscripts with a PHD falls 10 months. The card showing either the exemption or completion of military service is vital to function in Iranian society and is required for even basic things such as getting passports. It could also have meant that conscription was not replacing war losses or retirements. About 80 percent of army personnel are conscripts, as are 60 percent of the Revolutionary Guards; navy and air force personnel are mainly volunteers. Comments:Available but unreliable. According to two sources, the length of service depends on the geographical location of the conscript (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; BBC 26 Dec. 2013). [Accessed 25 Mar. The following dependents of a T-1 visa holder, however, may be issued a T visa at a U.S. consular office abroad: The validity of NATO-5 visas may not exceed the period of validity of the employment contract or 12 months, whichever is less. Discrimination and Violence Against Sexual Minorities in Iran. The IFOR Main Representative to the UN stated that, no case has been recorded of anyone claiming exemption from the military authorities on the grounds of conscientious objection, but as conscientious objection is not recognised by the military authorities, conscientious objectors would not be treated as such; no sanctions would explicitly address conscientious objection. Document Name:Kart-e Shenasayi-e Melli; or Kart-e Melli (National Card), Issuing Authority:National Organization for Civil Registration. In December 2013, media sources reported that, according to General Kamali, due to a shortage of personnel, Iran may increase the length of military service to 24 months (BBC 26 Dec. 2013; Al-Monitor 19 Dec. 2013). Older cards include detailed biographical information such as blood type, hair color, weight, height, eye color, physical defects, and sometimes level of education. UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. Marriage between two Baha'is is registered in two documents. Sources report on various non-health related circumstances that could lead to an exemption of military service, including: being the only son of the family (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2014). There are many reasons a man could be exempted, including, but not limited to, payment in lieu of service, medical reasons, being the only son in his family, having elderly parents, and having a brother currently serving in the military. The first compulsory military service bill was passed ninety-six years ago, during the reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi. Procedure for Obtaining:There is no procedure for obtaining. It is important to inquire about temporary marriages when processing adoption cases from Iran, as posts frequently see children born of temporary marriages. : 2298500101 Surname : MOHAMMAD Name : NIKNAM Father's Name : Ali Birth Certificate No. Temporary student exemptions may also be substantiated by a letter from the conscription authority and proof of the students bond payment to exit Iran. "Currency Converter." Refworld | Iran: Military service, including recruitment age, length of Asking for the military exemption card is just a convenient way to refuse you. While Iranian law considers them to be legitimate children, issues could arise concerning parental consent. On 30 June 2009, Press TV, Iran's first international news network that broadcasts in English (Press TV n.d.), reported that a bill, which was to be enforced in 2011, would reduce military service by 2 to 10 months for conscripts with university degrees (Press TV 30 June 2009). I was a 19-year-old high school graduate when I was ordered to report at 4 am to the headquarters of the Law Enforcement Department of the Draft in downtown Tehran. Types Available (Regular, Diplomatic, Official, etc. Sales Tax Exemption - United States Department of State The undated website of the Iranian Embassy in The Hague states that. I waited for two long hours until several officers arrived from the Artesh (regular military), Iranian Ground Forces, Air Force (IRIAF), Law Enforcement Forces (Prisons Branch), and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Navy (IRGC-N). However, the non-Canadian national dependent of a Canadian "TN", unless otherwise exempt from the visa requirement, must obtain a "TD" visa before attempting to enter the United States. [Accessed 25 Mar. Public Relations: (+9821)66709666 Sign up to receive expert analyses from our community on the most important global issues, rapid insights on events as they unfold, and highlights of the Council's best work. Issuing Authority Personnel Title:There is no issuing authority personnel title. In correspondence with the Research Directorate, the Main Representative to the UN for the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR), a Netherlands-based organization founded in 1914 that is "against war and its preparation" (IFOR n.d.) with "branches, affiliates and groups in more than 40 countries" (NP n.d.), "who has been monitoring issues of military service and conscientious objection world-wide with a view to reporting [and] briefing treaty bodies and other UN mechanisms and procedures" indicated that "there are no provisions for alternate service" in Iran (IFOR 18 Mar. New military ID cards list the subsection of the law dictating their exemption on their ID cards, which identifies them as gay or transgender and puts them at risk of physical danger and. Baha'i marriages should be evidenced with both documents, as well as the registration of the union in both parties shenasnameh documents. Registration Criteria:A notary public (daftar-e asnad-e rasmi) registers divorces and marriages for Muslims and those who practice recognized minority religions (Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism). 2014], Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA). "M" means multiple times. The IHRDC indicates that this applies to both secondary and university students that are attending classes (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013). Iranian / Dutch B2 tourist visa refused because of no military card "Shamsi to Gregorian Converter." The IHRDC reports on doctors who have written letters to the Military Service Office indicating that the individual seeking a military exemption based on sexual preference needed "sex-reassignment surgery" (IHRDC 19 June 2013). "Shamsi to Gregorian Converter." Thus far, this regulation is expected to be in effect up to 04/11/1390 [24 January 2012 (Taghvim.com 28 Mar. Of about 8 million males between the ages of eighteen and forty-five, nearly 6 million were considered physically and mentally fit for military service. And you need to apply to the embassy for an "exit stamp" (mohr e khorooj) . ! The total period of service is twenty-five years, divided as follows: two years of active military service, six years in standby military service for draftees, then eight years in first-stage reserve and nine years in second-stage reserve. Iran, Islamic Republic of - United States Department of State All rights reserved. Therefore, all Mexican "TN"s and both Mexican and non-Mexican national "TD"s accompanying or following to join them who are not otherwise exempt from the visa requirement (e.g., the Canadian spouse of a Mexican national "TN") must obtain nonimmigrant visas. 2014a)], and whom after entering their 13 years of age, have been living abroad for a minimum of 2 years (as substantiated through presentation of relevant exit and entry stamps as placed in the applicant's passport by Iranian border guards and officials), are eligible for buying themselves out of Military Duty and thereby obtaining an Exemption card, upon paying the sum of 100,000,000 Rials [$4315 CAD (XE 27 Mar. If there is a number, such as "One", you may apply for entry one time with that visa. In 1984 the Majlis passed a new Military Act that amended conscription laws to reduce the high number of draft dodgers. International Fellowship of Reconciliation (IFOR). [Accessed 28 Mar. Alireza Heidary Roushi, Mitra Mahdavi-Mazdeh, Mahnaz Zamyadi. General Kamali, the chief conscription officer of the armed forces, stated 19 December 2013 that "many exemptions, deductions and options to pay to avoid military service will be removed" in the "following year". This effectively barred any Iranian who had served in the IRGCconscript or otherwisefrom entering the United States. Tehran's forces had more combat experience in mobile conventional warfare than their Gulf Arab rivals, but that experience was rapidly aging. You will not be able to access U.S. or foreign bank accounts using . According to the IHRDC, Article 33, paragraph 8 of the regulatory code that governs medical exemptions from military service notes that "'moral and sexual deviancy, such as transsexuality'" is considered to be grounds for a medical exemption (19 June 2013). Police records are not required for immigrant visa applicants because posts cannot verify them. Basically you get your exit permission validated and stamped in your passport before you enter the country. Sources note that refusing to serve in the army without an exemption can result in not being granted a driver's license (IHRDC 7 Nov. 2013; Human Rights Watch Dec. 2010, 23). During the Vietnam War (1964-1973) 8,744,000 served, but by the time conscription ended in 1973, only a quarter of elligible males were actually being conscripted. Under the 1984 law, draft evaders were subject to restrictions for a period of up to ten years. In general males are expected to serve for a period of 20 months and for service in impoverished areas, the duration can last 24 months while service in boundary areas can last 22 months. 2014], _____. [Accessed 3 Mar. Original Iranian Birth Certificate (Shenasname), and photocopies of all the pages of the Birth Certificate(This document must contain an ID photo for those above 15 years of age. New versions have a brown cover for adults, photo, digital biodata, and stronger security features; and a dark green cover without photo for minor children under 15. Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. Most IRGC draftees end up doing similar jobs, too, including running personal errands for officers. Those who due to handicaps or mental and/or physical illnesses are permanently unable to be drafted for mandatory service period. are an Iranian national with a valid Iranian passport, and. Iran: Information on whether a military exemption card or a military This Response is not, and does not purport to be, conclusive as to the merit of any particular claim for refugee protection. They were tasked with randomly picking conscripts. Those who due to weak disposition, growth deficiency or suffering from physical or mental illnesses are temporarily not capable of serving for the mandatory period. [a]ccording to the most recent resolutions, foreign resident draftees who have left the country before the date 29/12/1382 [19 March 2004 (Taghvim.com 28 Mar. #ga-ad {display: none;} . Physical standards had to be lowered to get the number of men needed. A computer engineer would serve as a computer operator and so on. Iranian subjects who live abroad in case of having the following conditions, by paying 10 million Toman can benefit from military services exemption against cash payment. being the only son of the family. However, in reality, this interest predates the 1979 revolution and reflects a deep-seated desire for national prestige and development, as well as a need to deter regional rivals. Comments:Iranian men in active military service are generally unable to obtain their passport until completing their service or receiving an exemption to allow their departure from Iran. Comments: Available but unreliable. Registration Criteria:Divorce is permitted on various grounds, including: mental illness; disabilities interfering with conjugal relations; husbands inability or unwillingness to provide financial support; husbands bad behavior; husbands incurable disease constituting risk to the wife; husbands desertion; husbands conviction for a dishonorable crime; husbands infertility or contraction of a sexually transmitted disease; polygamy without consent; and other circumstances where continuation of marriage constitutes proven difficulty or hardship for wife. 2014], Middle East Journal. (Denmark Feb. 2013, 70). In 2007 the Basij had about 300,000 personnel, including 40,000 active personnel; they were authorized to carry small arms only. Original and photocopy of the Certificate of Completion of Military Service or Exemption from Service, or filling out Form#104 for granting permission to exit once . If the person does not return to Iran, the amount is taken by the authorities. Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. According to Commander Kamali, the eight-year rule also applies to military deserters and university students who were exempt from the national service while in school but had quit their studies without informing the draft registration office. N.d.b. In addition, the law provides exemptions for those with severe medical conditions or the bread winners of the family. Management: (+9821)66707131-9 If the parents marriage is not registered, both must be present to sign the document. Temporary marriages (sigheh or ezdevaj-e movaghat) are religious marriages that are entered into for a specific period of time. Like most draftees around the world, Iranians are eager return to civilian life as soon as their mandatory enlistment ends. . Iranian applicants usually provide documents from their bank which show their total account holdings. . Corroborating information could not be found among the sources consulted by the Research Directorate within the time constraints of this Response. . _____. On Conversion to Christianity, Issues Concerning Kurds and Post-2009 Election Protestors As Well As Legal Issues and Exit Procedures. They, like less-educated conscripts, are often disciplined for minor infractions. 7 November 2013. [Accessed 13 Mar. In the United States, enlistments for the Union Army totalled 2,672,341 [2,489,836 white, 178,975 African American, and 3,530 Native American troops], while estimates of enlistment strength for the Confederate Army ranges from 750,000 to 1,227,890. General Kamali reportedly added that "for those who live outside of the country, the option of paying off military service had been cancelled earlier this year. Conscription in Iran - Wikipedia N.d. "IFOR Mission." A weekly column by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe, Inflection Points focuses on the global challenges facing the United States and how to best address them. Comments:The national ID card is not accepted in lieu of the Birth Certificate document. On Saturday, January 29, a spokesman for the Iranian parliament's Budget Committee for 2022-23 said members had agreed that exemptions from military service could again be sold to individuals at a cost of 250 to 600 million tomans (US$9,000 to $21,500).